Why should I mentor?

Mentorship is important. It helps others, it helps you, and it helps the broader community.

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👤 It helps you

Paying it forward benefits you as well.

  • learn more about yourself

  • expand your world view

  • make a new friend, ally, supporter

  • feel good about giving back

  • find knowledge gaps in your own thinking

  • learn something new

Hearing other people's stories and perspectives, makes your own that much more richer, dynamic, and inclusive.

There are valuable feelings and experiences that money cannot buy, but that only mentorship can provide.

👥 It helps others

The help you give has valuable and lasting benefits.

Here are a few different ways your work has an impact, such as helping someone in their ...

  • career

    • accomplishing goals

    • trajectory

    • advancement

  • schooling

    • what to pursue

    • excelling in studies

  • projects/initiatives

    • getting started

    • doing them well

  • skills

    • learning new concepts

    • reinforcing concepts

  • and more!

“To the world you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world” (Dr Seuss)

💗 It helps the broader community

"A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle" (James Keller)

What we put in, we get out. Collectively, we can do our part in fostering a more inclusive, collaborative, and innovative community.

We are raising the waters so that we're all uplifted. It's a ripple effect. We help someone and they help someone and it continues.

Before you know it, it's like a boomerang of help that returns to you.

☑️ Action steps

⁉️ Submit ideas, feedback, questions

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