Forms of mentorship
There are different forms of mentorship. It varies based on the structure, questions, answers, engagement, communication style, size, setting, and more.
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There are different forms of mentorship. It varies based on the structure, questions, answers, engagement, communication style, size, setting, and more.
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Mentorship occurs in various forms. We can look at it through different lenses.
Preferred questions (requests)
Preferred answers (responses)
Do you prefer mentorship to be formal or keep it informal?
There is a formal structure of how the mentor-mentee relationship will occur. For example, when to meet, what to discuss, how to communicate, when to do so, and duration. There's a schedule as well as an agenda.
There is an informal structure. While there can be formal elements, the when and how things happen is more flexible and adaptable. There is no official commitment but instead occurs as needed.
Wha topics do you want to be asked about?
You welcome questions on broad topics. You are happy to talk about careers, advancing in roles, performance, relationships, and more.
See General Advice for more examples.
You welcome questions on narrower topics. Such as questions specific to a programming language, product/service, a design philosophy, on a framework, etc.
See Specialized Advice for more examples.
How specific would you like questions to be?
You appreciate open-ended questions.
"What are your thoughts on X?"
"How would you handle this?"
"Any advice for someone wanting to do X?"
You appreciate specific, targeted questions.
"How do I set-up X, given that I tried Y, in the context of Z."
"In this scenario ..., would you do A or B, and why?"
"I'm trying to setup X in Y environment, but running into Z issue."
What kind of answers/responses do you like to give?
Prefer to give open-ended answers, often responding with questions as well. Instead of giving full solutions, you give general opinions, thoughts, and guidance.
Have you thought about this?
Prefer give specific answers. For example, "do X, then Y, then Z."
How engaged is each party.
The mentee drives the relationship. They set the frequency of when to meet, what to discuss. They reach out to the mentor when there's a question, require guidance, etc.
Both the mentor and mentee drive the mentoring relationship. Both work together to set the vision and goals of the relationship. The subtlety is that if the mentee stops reaching out, the mentor periodically checks in.
Where do conversations take place?
Communicate in person.
Communicate via phone/voice call or video chat.
Communicate via email, chat applications, forums, social media and more.
How long does each party have to wait before getting a reply?
Communicate in real-time.
There is a gap of time between responses.
social media
How often do you want to communicate?
Communicate repeatedly in a predictable pattern.
Communicate repeatedly, but not on a set schedule.
Communicate from time to time.
Communicate once (and that's okay!).
How many mentees would you like to mentor at a time?
Mentor only one person at a time.
Mentor two or more people separately at the same time, either on similar or different areas.
Mentor two or more people collectively at the same time.
Mentees are aware of one another and it occurs at the same time. This is more common in education-type sessions or in ask-me-anything scenarios. There's also an open forum in which responses benefit the entire group.
Mentorship organized by peers, helping one another accomplish respective goals. Think of it as an accountability or mastermind group.
Mentorship that occurs once and that is all. A question answered, a suggestion given. You may not think you mentored, but you did. This is equally valuable as repeated ones!